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Retail Industry Upcoming Events

Decorex Cape Town

Calling all décor, design and home living enthusiasts…

The Decorex Designer Collection, bringing together nine of South Africa’s most trend-forward, popular designers and artisans, who each contribute towards the signature range of summer-inspired products made using materials and textures that include clay, porcelain, wood, hand printed textiles and recycled glass.

The Inspire Theatre, where some of South Africa’s top design, décor and foodie guru’s will be hosting talks and demonstrations for the public free of charge on a first come first served basis.

Operation Man Cave, which will offer man cave enthusiasts the chance see and experience some of the most exciting and trendy designs as four local sports personalities and celebrities team up with designers to build their ultimate ‘Man Cave’, and support local charities.

The Wallpaper Trend installation will be a favourite for décor devotees, with twelve fabric houses each showcasing their trendiest wallpaper ranges for the season.


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