Retail Industry Upcoming Events
Solar Power Africa
When: 04 March 2025
Until: 06 March 2025
Where: Cape Town
Venue: CTICC
Telephone: 010-599-6161
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Website: https://solarpowerafrica.za.messefrankfurt.com/capetown/en.html
The leading solar and energy storage event in Africa
South Africa’s leading position in driving the continent’s transition to renewable energy has been confirmed with the launch of the first-ever Solar Power Africa Trade Show. Organised by Messe Frankfurt, Solar Power Africa 2023 was the first event of its kind dedicated solely to Solar Power and Energy storage and attracted over 50 exhibitors operating in this dynamic market.
Conference Tracks:
- Solar and Storage: The Future Hub
- Sustainable Development
- Investment and Collaboration
The conference will have 4 plenary sessions, 4 keynote addresses, and 14 specialised breakaway sessions.
The conference will address amongst others the following topics:
- The outlook/future of energy in Africa
- The Green Hydrogen Economy
- Solar and Electric Vehicles Solutions
- Storage and Mining
- Long Duration Energy Storage
- Securing the Grid
- Private Sector Investment and Innovative Financing Solutions
- Circular Economy
- Expanding Off-Grid Energy into Africa
- Skills Development
- Localisation
- Policy Regulation
- Wheeling