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Why do Woolworths checkout aisles still have sweets and chocolates?

  • Staff Writer: By Staff Writer

A number of South African consumers have taken to social media to complain that Woolworths has not removed sweets and chocolates from its checkout aisles as promised more than a month ago.

The retailer announced on 28 September that it would remove its delectable items as part of an effort to provide healthier kids’ options

“As the next step on this journey, Woolworths has made the decision to remove all sweets and chocolates from our checkout queues, reflecting our commitment to providing alternatives for children and parents,” Woolworths said.

However, a number of people on social media sites including Facebook and Twitter, questioned why Wooworths’ checkout isles still had sweets.

“Your checkout aisles are still 90% sweets….” claimed a Twitter user.

“Thought all sweets were being remover from till aisle. Did I get (the) message wrong?” another user wrote.

Responding to consumers on Twitter, the Woolworths social media team moved allay concerns on the matter.

“The removal of sweets and chocolates will take place in the next few months, starting with larger format stores,” said the official Woolworths Twitter account.

“For now only the larger stores will change but eventually ALL stores will replace sweets and chocolates in the queues,” @WOOLWORTHS_SA said.

When BusinessTech queried Woolworths on the matter, it provided the following statement:

“The decision to remove sweets and chocolates from our checkout aisles is part of the Woolworths Good Food Journey and we will be implementing the change in stages. We will be implementing the change within all our new stores, which will open without sweets and chocolates in the bollard queues.

“We will then implement the rollout into our larger format stores and then down the store chain. We are in the process of engaging with customers on what alternative snack options they would like to see in the checkout aisles.”

It said that changes have already been implemented at Canal Walk Shopping Centre in Cape Town, and West Coast Village in Bloubergstrand.

“We believe we have a good mix of products for our customers to choose from and pride ourselves on having products that are made with the best ingredients, making them better options for our families,” it said.

Woolworths Group employs more than 38,000 people across 15 countries and trades in approximately 1,200 store locations.

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