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Dec 2, 2016
Woolworths’ shareholders latched on to two of the most controversial issues in corporate governance when substantial numbers voted against the reappointment of the auditors and also against the remuneration policy at the annual general meeting.

Nov 14, 2016
Today on World Diabetes Day (14 November 2016) we look at 12 facts about the conditions that you may not know.

Nov 7, 2016
A merger between Steinhoff and Shoprite would create an emerging-market retail giant with a presence in more than 40 countries, which could become a significant global competitor.

Nov 7, 2016
Business owners in South Africa can play an important part in conserving water resources and reducing their utility bills by embracing water efficiency as a way of life.

Oct 12, 2016
For every drop of rain, for every breath of wind, for every flake of snow, for every ray of sunshine, for every rise and fall in the mercury – there is a commensurate rise and fall in the demand or the supply of approximately 85 per cent of the goods and services within the retail industry.

Sep 28, 2016
The construction team behind the refurbishment of Eastgate Shopping Centre has been named as overall winners of the 2016 South African Institute of Steel Construction’s (SAISC) Steel Awards.

Sep 6, 2016
The past few months have seen some significant developments for African trade and integration. These advances come at a crucial time for African countries, which have been particularly hard hit by the slump in commodity prices.

Sep 5, 2016
Tax on sugar-sweetened beverages will not achieve a long-term sustainable solution to the obesity problem.

Aug 31, 2016
Walmart-owned retailer Masstores took its battle with Pick n Pay Retailers to the Constitutional Court.