Retail Industry Upcoming Events
When: 09 December 2025
Until: 11 December 2025
Where: Cairo
Venue: Egypt International Exhibition Centre
Organisers: IFP Group
Telephone: +961 5959111 Ext 250
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Website: http://www.foodafrica-expo.com
Food Africa is the continent’s largest International Trade Exhibition specialized in the Food and Agro industries. The exhibition, combining an innovative format of showcasing, networking, and matchmaking, is a unique platform to access the Egyptian mega-market, and Africa’s booming agriculture industry. Food Africa is the peerless portal to access major agriculture opportunities in Egypt and Africa.
After three successful editions, Food Africa has marked its footprint as a foremost international exhibition in the African region, dedicated to the agro -food industry. Situated in Egypt, the gate way to Africa, the exhibition provides a versatile and highly-targeted platform for local, regional, and international industry players to reap solid opportunities in Egypt’s whopping market and Africa ’s highly demanding agro-food sector.