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Woolworths starts searching customers in Durban after 'bomb' scares

| Crime and security

Following the recent bomb scares in and around Woolworths stores in Durban, the giant retailer announced that it would be conducting searches of customers.

"We have also instituted a new search process which is for your safety and protection. We realise that these extra security measures may cause you some inconvenience," said Kay Raidoo, head of divisions at Woolworths in an email to their customers. 

She added: "We are trying our best to minimise any disruption to your shopping experience."

Raidoo assured customers that their safety was of primary concern following incidents in three of their stores. 

The stores have also hired additional uniformed security guards. 

"At this stage the motive behind these incidents is unclear and the investigation is ongoing. We continue to work closely with the relevant authorities, including the South African Police Service, the Hawks’ Crimes against State unit, local and national government as well as our own investigators, who are providing input and guidance." 

Raidoo apologised to customers for any delays caused during their shopping. 

Daily News

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