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Top-Up shoppers turning to discounters

Shoppers in the UK are increasingly turning to the likes of Aldi and Lidl for their top-up shops, moving away from the convenience channel, according to exclusive research from shopper insights agency HIM.

The study found that in 2018, the volume of shoppers using Aldi and Lidl on a planned top-up mission is 28%. In comparison, the volume of shoppers visiting a convenience store on a planned top-up mission has fallen from 28% in 2008 to 21% currently.

Val Kirillovs, Research & Insights Director at HIM, said: “The top up mission was once the cornerstone of the convenience channel. Small stores in convenient locations specifically designed to service the needs of the shopper in between their traditional weekly shops. However, the planned top up mission in the convenience channel is in decline.”

Kirilovs added: “During this period Aldi and Lidl have begun to steal these top up shoppers away with wider ranges, cheaper prices, better quality fresh and an increase in store volumes in convenient locations. Convenience store retailers cannot afford to get caught napping and need to up their game, as the discounters look to grow further.”

The research, from HIM’s exclusive study into the High Street, was conducted through over 4,500 online shopper interviews. It looks at how shopping behaviour on the high street has developed over time and benchmarks competitors across a range of criteria, including penetration, basket size, basket spend, shopper missions etc.

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