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Tesco to trial plastic package recycling in 10 stores

| International retailers

Tesco has introduced new technology that allows the supermarket to recycle all forms of plastic packaging – as part of a trial.

The leader of the Big 4 grocers has teamed up with recycling specialist Recycling Technologies to launch the initiative in 10 stores in the Bristol and Swindon areas.

The trial will allow customers to return hard-to-recycle plastics such as shopping bags, crisp packets and pet food pouches – none of which can easily be recycled by local councils.

Tesco is the latest retailer to step up its efforts towards sustainability – with 83 per cent of its packaging currently recyclable – as the demand for it continues to grow.

Meanwhile, it said it would aim to make all of its packaging recyclable by 2025.

Just last week, Tesco said it would remove plastic-wrapped fruits and vegetables to cut down on waste packaging as part of a trial.

“Reducing and recycling plastics is such an important issue for us, for customers and for the future of our planet,” Tesco director of quality Sarah Bradbury said.

“Our trial with Recycling Technologies will make even more of our packaging recyclable and help us reach our target.

“This technology could be the final piece of the jigsaw for the UK plastic recycling industry.”

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