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How to get and keep customers: the Importance of Retail Store Upgrades.

| International retailers

Owning a store in any capacity is a risky yet fulfilling endeavour. A good retail store owner/manager knows that they generally have three basic goals reach before they reach success:


1.    They ensure a focused internal business model that employs highly competent and efficient staff, service providers and organisational processes. This ensures a smooth transition from grocery baggers to senior management.TCK Before

  1. They have a consistently sound sales and marketing strategy that ensures their customers feet are walking into their store to drive sales.
  2. They work hard to keep their customers feet in their store by providing a unique customer experience. From greeters at the entrance to checkout, the customer expects to be treated to an experience.

Brand research shows that consumers don’t just want a product regardless of price. According to Ad Age’s article “Not just millennials: consumers want experiences, not things”, people of all ages want a meaningful customer experience. What does this mean for store owners? This means that having a standard, out of date or cookie cutter retail store is no longer what keeps feet in your store.

This by no means rules out franchises or chain stores, on the contrary. Franchises perform because of their consistency, it’s the experience during that encounter that counts. This can be clearly seen in the store upgrades of two of the country’s largest supermarkets: Woolworths and Checkers. Checkers felt the need to bring an upmarket experience to the midmarket consumers with the introduction of unique experiences. An international cheese, artisan coffee and handcrafted chocolate counter, kiosk and display units, and less noisy trollies and floors are just some upgrades. Woolworths has chosen the wine route, investing in modern store design, state of the art refrigeration and signage to set their experience apart. TCK After

As we start planning for SA’s biggest retail season of the year, i.e., Christmas, how can the above information help the store owners/managers out there? Answer: consistency and experience, it’s that simple, store maintenance and upgrades. Simple fixes or revamps like, ensuring all point-of-sale check-out counters are fully functioning, trollies and baskets that are in working order, and store spacing and planning can ensure a very successful festive season. Store owners looking to create a more unique customer experience could plan interactive display units, attractive signage options and even upgraded efficient shelving and racking. With the second half of the year already here, now is the time to plan your move.

If you’re looking to plan your store’s success this Christmas, give TCK Retail Solutions a call or email today – let us simplify your store design. It’s time to get and keep the feet walking into your store. 

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