Dis-Chem continues with mass vaccine site expansion in readiness for 18+ cohort
Dis-Chem Pharmacies’ vaccine sites around the country are ready to welcome the next eligible cohort – the 18 to 34 age group – from tomorrow, 20 August, as announced by government today.
“We are anticipating strong uptake from this cohort, the largest group in the vaccine rollout and in preparedness, all Dis-Chem vaccine sites are fully stocked,” says Dis-Chem CEO Ivan Saltzman.
Dis-Chem continues to encourage everyone aged 35 and older – particularly older or vulnerable individuals and those with co-morbidities – to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
“Everyone is welcome to visit a Dis-Chem vaccination site, whether they are a member of a medical aid or are uninsured and walk-ins are welcome.
The third wave, coinciding with the virulent Delta variant, has hit South African communities hard. None of us wants to see a fourth wave and the most effective way of returning to normality is to increase vaccine uptake,” Saltzman says.
“Vaccines are the best weapons we have in the fight against Covid-19, and we cannot stress the importance of getting vaccine numbers up, especially in the run-up to December when a fourth wave is being predicted.”
To accommodate demand from the incoming cohort, Dis-Chem continues to expand its current vaccination site network and is vaccinating from 25 mass vaccination sites and selected in-store clinics across the country. Six new Dis-Chem mass vaccination sites opened this week in Klerksdorp, Pietermaritzburg (Midlands Mall), Polokwane (Mall of the North), Brits (Magalies Hills), Kimberley and Potchefstroom.
Adding to that, three further sites in Rustenburg (Greystone Mall), Vereeniging and Vanderbijlpark (Vaal Mall), will open by 6 September. Dis-Chem is currently administering vaccines from in-store clinics in 15 stores and will be significantly upping that with the addition of 40 stores over the next two weeks.
To coincide with the opening of vaccine availability to under-35s and to facilitate ease of bookings, Dis-Chem’s online booking platform allows all registered people to book a slot through its website. The full list of Dis-Chem vaccination sites and a link to EVDS can be found here: https://www.dischem.co.za/covid-19-vaccination
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