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FoodForward SA galvanises its operation to roll-out food support as donations pour in

| Social Responsibility

After its’ launch last week of a R50m Appeal in response to the COVID-19 Lockdown, national non-profit food redistribution organisation, FoodForward SA, has received over R11m in financial and food donation support as part of a national roll-out to mitigate the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on vulnerable groups’ nutrition.

Says FoodForward SA Managing Director, Andy Du Plessis, “Thank you South Africa! We are indebted to our generous partners and donors who have answered the call to action, and have received over R3m in funds and an estimated value of R8m of food from Investec, Old Mutual, Pick n Pay, Massmart, Tiger Brands, and Nestle, with more pledges continuing to come in.”

With 11 years of experience, FoodForward SA operates as part of the international Global Foodbank Network (GFN) and has an unrivalled national distribution footprint that includes warehouse storage facilities, a cold supply chain and a logistics management and transport team that is scaled to re-distribute edible surplus and donated food products to its growing beneficiary network of over 670 charities, and over 255 000 people around the country.

“With fifty-seven million South Africans told to stay home, FoodForward SA has obtained a permit to operate as an essential service during the Lockdown and will be directing all its efforts to ensure that shelters, facilities for the disabled, and Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) that are providing food parcels for at-risk individuals receive much-needed food relief through our network of beneficiary organisations (BOs). We are prioritising charities that provide essential services to older persons, orphans and vulnerable children, people living with HIV / Aids and TB, and people in vulnerable rural communities. We anticipate that things will get worse before they start to improve and urge the public to continue to support us in our efforts,” concludes Du Plessis.

In addition to its call for donations, the organisation has extended an invitation to all registered NPOs to apply to become official beneficiaries. While the registration process is usually a three-month process, FoodForwardSA is fast-tracking charities and NPOs in vulnerable communities, while prioritising rural communities, with the intention to extend its reach to all nine provinces, including Mpumalanga, the Limpopo and Northern Cape.

Since last week FoodForward SA has received over 100 applications and hopes to have added another 70 BOs to its’ distribution system before the end of this week.

Donations to FoodForward SA are tax deductible. Visit to see how you can help.
Banking Details:
FoodForward South Africa
Nedbank (Tygerberg Branch)
Branch code: 19-87-65
Account number: 101 006 9136
Swift Code: NEDSZAJJ


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