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Massmart donates R1 million to Female Academic Leaders Fellowship

| Social Responsibility

In celebration of international Women’s Day, Massmart has donated R1 million to the Female Academic Leaders Fellowship (FALF) NPC’s – Nonjulabuchopho Project, that researches Gender Based Violence and alcohol abuse.

Massmart’s contribution will be used to support and develop talented female academics who are interested in researching  Gender Based Violence and alcohol abuse.

“Rates of Gender-based violence, which in many cases are linked to alcohol abuse are alarmingly high in our country and research into these topics is an important initial step towards trying to address them,” says Charlene Louw, CSI Manager at Massmart. “Many talented and ambitious academics are unable to study beyond undergraduate or Honours level due to personal circumstances, so we are inspired by the opportunity that FALF provides for female academics to further their studies, while addressing deeply significant social issues that impact our country.”

Commenting, Dr Judy Dlamini, Chancellor of Wits University said “We are grateful for Massmart’s commitment to gender equity, especially finding solutions to the GBVF pandemic. Through this funding FALF was able to empower five black women researchers in two institutions, namely, Wits University and University of Johannesburg. Conducting this research helps with their own development while also coming up with solutions to a scourge that is affecting all communities in South Africa. The partnership between FALF and Massmart is a good example of a multisectoral collaboration to develop women while also helping them to find evidence-based solutions to local challenges.”


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