Pick n Pay sponsors quadruplets of KZN couple with heartwarming surprise
When news spread of Sizwe and Nokuthulah Bhengu requesting assistance to support their three-month-old quadruplets, Pick n Pay caught wind of the story and stepped in to assist the Nkandla couple.
Sizwe, employed as a security guard and part-time taxi driver in Johannesburg, had stressed the financial difficulties of buying formula and nappies for the two girls and two boys, while also supporting the couple’s two older children.
Pick n Pay spotted Sizwe’s plea for aid in the media and put wheels in motion for a surprise handover.
Satika Naidoo, Pick n Pay KwaZulu-Natal CSI Events Manager, reached out to Sizwe pretending to be a journalist wanting an interview. She arranged to meet him at Pick n Pay Eshowe last week, where a contingent of Pick n Pay staff was waiting in surprise to celebrate the birth of the quadruplets and offer assistance.
On the day, the Bhengus’ were gifted with a R5 000 Pick n Pay gift card for baby formula and nappies, as well as a Johnson & Johnson hamper with products such as baby wipes, powder, lotion and oil. The retailer will also give a further R5,000 gift card every month to support the quadruplets over the next three months.
“I was so surprised when Satika took me inside the Pick n Pay, and thrown completely off guard when we realised what was happening,” Sizwe said.
“My wife is not on social media, so she did not realise how our story had spread while I was in Johannesburg. I’d been asking her for pictures of our babies but she didn’t know what they were for.” Sizwe’s sister had posted these photos on Twitter pleading for help on his behalf.
The couple said the vouchers will assist with the cost of nappies and formula. “These guys are eating too much,” said Sizwe of his newborn foursome.
“I can’t believe it. Pick n Pay has blessed us so much,” he said, speaking at the handover surprise. “We are so happy with the vouchers and the hamper, and my whole family was also given lunch. It was a very special day and I thank Pick n Pay very much for their help.” Sizwe said he was looking forward to spending another two days with his family before he returned to work.
“A single child bears considerable financial commitment, so one can only empathise with the impact of quadruplets cost-wise. Pick n Pay is inspired to make a difference to the lives of our customers where possible, and as such we were keen to assist toward this contribution in easing the Bhengus’ bills,” says Andrew Mills, Group Chief Marketing Officer at Pick n Pay.
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